Translink Spirit In Action


Wellbeing at work is impacted by organisational culture as well as attitudes, values, beliefs and daily practices.

UN Sustainability Development Goals - Good Health and Well Being - Reduced Inequalities

Key Highlights

mental health first aiders
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go healthy champions
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participation in health initiatives
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health initiatives
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Bloomin Mondays

We changed Blue Monday, a day in January that is typically known as the most depressing day of the year, to Bloomin’ Monday encouraging employees to embrace colour, which is known to have positive benefits for our mental health. 

Employee Led Charitable Initiatives

We have never been prouder of our employees who went further than ever to demonstrate the Translink Spirit, by giving to others in need, in turn reinforcing kindness and boosting positivity.


With the cost-of-living crisis impacting even more families this winter, Translink teamed up with FareShare to collect food and essential household items for families in need across Northern Ireland.

More on this


Translink present Fareshare staff with items for food bank collection
Our Charity Partner

Translink has been getting behind its new charity partner, Air Ambulance NI, and has helped raise awareness and funds with a range of staff events and challenges.

More on this

Translink and Air Ambulance staff celebrate partnership with red balloons
Our Staff Charity

Our employee-based charity scheme contributes through a payroll Give As You Earn scheme. During 2022 the committee asked staff to nominate charities focused on key issues including mental and physical health, food support, and older and younger people.

More on this

Launch of Stuff a bus Christmas appeal in Europa Bus centre
Stuff a Bus for Ukraine

Translink employees were moved by the Ukraine crisis and rallied to collect essential items to ‘stuff a bus’ and lend their support to the Ukraine Humanitarian Aid efforts. 

More on this

Translink staff help load buses with aid items to help with Ukraine crisis

ELearning and Webinars

Most webinars and the e-learnings are available for employees on our Learning Management System and can therefore be accessed at any time.

Translink Step Challenge

114 participants took part in a Step Challenge during the second lockdown, which proved to be a popular wellbeing initiative that attracted many operational colleagues. The feedback highlighted positive employee morale which included:

  • 100% reported feeling part of a team
  • 65% reported an improvement in their physical and mental health
  • 37% improved work/life balance
  • 32% better sleep
  • 76% reported the challenge helped them to manage personal or work stress

Translink Money Mentor

In partnership with Barclays Bank this service offered free, confidential and independent money advice to all employees, such as tips on budgeting, savings advice and what to consider when applying for a mortgage.

Inspire Workplace Wellbeing Awards 2021

Excellence in Public Sector

We are delighted to have received this Excellence in Public sector award which recognises the work employers and employees have carried out during the Pandemic to support the wellbeing of everyone in Translink.

Employee Health Checks

Each month Action Cancer visit our offices, stations and depots to carry out confidential employee health checks for those who would like a general health MOT. 

Getting Chatty

Chatty Carriages
A pilot scheme to host a Chatty Carriage was held in December to help build connections and tackle loneliness. The special journey hosted in conjunction with the Causeway Loneliness Network was socially engaging event aimed at helping those who may be isolated to feel more confident at using services and helping them build friendships and community connections.
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Chatty Chairs
Chatty Chairs were introduced within Translink stations with designated seats marked with stickers to encourage people to connect, have a chat, combat loneliness and promote good mental health. Teaming up with the Stephen Clements Foundation, the initiative was used as part of World Mental Health Day to promote the message ‘it’s good to talk’. 
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World Suicide Prevention Day

Along with advertising the Small Talk Saves Lives rail campaign, we collaborated with Samaritans to design a wallet card which was issued to frontline and operational railway employees to provide them with guidance on how to help members of the public who may be in distress, identifying signs and providing tips on what to say.

Mens Health Week

With the theme of Mental Health and C-19 we raised awareness of the emotional wellbeing issues that affect men and women, by hosting an online event featuring guest speaker Josh Connolly.
Translink Spirit in Action
Our mission is to provide a safer, more sustainable, efficient business, enhancing our local economy and enriching the local communities we serve.