Corporate Responsibility

We are committed to Corporate Responsibility

We consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of our own activities on customers, suppliers, employees, stakeholders and communities as well as the environment.

Our mission is to provide a safer, more sustainable, efficient business, enhancing our local economy and enriching the local communities we serve.

Our Key Themes

We deliver this through our Corporate Responsibility Strategy - based on 4 key themes:

  • Go Eco - Environmental performance - demonstrating efficient use of resources, driving out waste and protecting and enhancing our natural heritage. More on Go Eco

  • Go Healthy - Wellbeing at work is impacted by organisational culture as well as attitudes, values, beliefs and daily practices. More on Go Healthy

  • Go Safe - A range of safety projects and initiatives to maintain high safety standards. More on Go Safe

  • Go Together - Translink is part of the community; we are involved in a range of initiatives to protect and enhance safety, wellbeing and the environment. More on Go Together

Translink Spirit in Action
Our mission is to provide a safer, more sustainable, efficient business, enhancing our local economy and enriching the local communities we serve.

Third Party Works

Guidance and information for third parties planning to undertake works or activities on or near Translink property that may affect the railway or bus operations.

More on Third Party Works

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Corporate Governance

We want to ensure that our organisation complies with the relevant legislative/public sector/safety requirements for doing business.

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We will develop stable, long term relationships with key suppliers.

More on Procurement

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Board and Management

We want to provide integrated services which connect people, enhance the economy and improve the environment, enabling a thriving Northern Ireland. More on NITHC Board / More on Translink Management

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Media Centre

Get the latest press news, infrastructure improvements and project updates.

More on the Media Centre

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It's Our Mission

To lead the transformation of transport in Northern Ireland: we will create the advanced public transport services and integrated networks which connect people and communities, enhance the economy and improve health and the environment.

More About Us