Dr Michael Wardlow
Dr Wardlow has a background of 50 years work experience, including the private sector, voluntary and community sector and Public sector here in Northern Ireland and over 40 other jurisdictions. This experience includes 2 years living in Uganda and 3 in East and Central Europe.
He has served as CEO of a large NDPB as well as Chair of a number of Public sector bodies, including, most recently, 8 years as Chief Commissioner at the Equality Commission Northern Ireland. He is currently Chair of the NI Police Fund, the Public Sector Chairs’ Forum and Corrymeela Community,
In addition to being a graduate of Queen’s University Belfast, where he achieved his Doctorate in 2013, Michael is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute. Dr Wardlow is a Visiting Scholar in George Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice.
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