Metro / Glider - dayLink
Terms and Conditions
dayLink cards are subject to the conditions of carriage of Translink’s operating companies.
Cards remain the property of Translink. If lost cards are found they should be returned to: Translink SmartPass Office, Floor 1, 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7LX
Cards must be retained by the passenger until the journey is complete and must be presented if requested by authorised Translink personnel.
dayLink cards are only transferable between passengers who are not travelling on the same journey. They can be given to someone else wishing to travel at a different time. The dayLink card must be retained by the passenger for their entire journey.
dayLink cards can be used on all scheduled Metro/Glider services. Special services are excluded.
They can also be used on Ulsterbus Citystopper services (500 series) and any Ulsterbus services scheduled to pick-up passengers in the Metro/Glider operating area./p>
Child cards are valid for use by children between the ages of 5 years and 16 years. 16 year olds are permitted to travel on a child card up to 30th June during the school year they turn 16 years of age.
Topping Up & Expiry
dayLink cards can be topped-up with 1, 5 or 10 days of travel and in varying periods of validity following initial top-up e.g. 1 day followed by 10 days followed by 5 days.
Day travel loaded on a card is valid on non-consecutive days. Day travel remains stored on a card until it is used e.g. a dayLink card topped-up with 5 days travel can be used on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of one week and Wednesday of the following week.
dayLink cards can be topped-up with one day’s travel on board a Metro/Glider bus or Ulsterbus within the Metro/Glider operating area. Top-ups of 1, 5 and 10 day’s travel are available at PayPoint Agents across Northern Ireland, Smartlink Agents within greater Belfast, Europa Buscentre, Central Station, Great Victoria Street Station, Belfast Welcome Centre, Donegall Place, Belfast International Airport Welcome Centre, George Best Belfast City Airport Welcome Centre, Spar University of Ulster, Jordanstown and Queen’s University, Students Union.
You cannot buy a dayLink card on board a bus.
Top-ups on bus will be issued at the peak or off-peak fare depending on the time of day or the day of the week the top-up is issued. Top-ups at PayPoint, Smartlink and Translink Sales Outlets will always be issued at a set standard top-up fare.
Once a dayLink card is used for travel one day’s travel will start to expire from the time it is first used on a bus and one day’s travel will be removed from the total balance of day travel stored on the card.
When you top-up on the bus with one day’s travel your one day of travel starts to expire from the time you load it onto your card.
Each day’s travel on a dayLink card expires at midnight on the day of use regardless of the time the original top-up takes place.
If a dayLink top-up is purchased in error the transaction can be cancelled only if this is done before a further transaction has been processed on the ticket machine.
Once the validity of a card has expired it cannot be used for travel until topped-up. Expired cards presented for travel will not be accepted and the customer will be expected to top-up their card or the appropriate full fare will be charged.
Any unused day travel on your dayLink card will remain on the card until it is used and will not expire.
Card Validation
dayLink cards must be validated on the bus for every journey made by placing the card on the ticket machine reader. If a valid working dayLink card is not presented to the ticket machine the customer will be required to top-up the card or pay full fare.
dayLink card holders may apply for a refund of unused travel remaining on a card if it is no longer required. The refund is calculated on the date the card is received for refund by reimbursing any unused travel (full days only) at the discounted dayLink price.
A charge of 20% (maximum charge £5.00) of the value remaining on the card will be deducted. The initial cost of the dayLink card will not be refunded.
To apply for a refund the card holder should post the dayLink card accompanied with a letter providing home address and Smartlink card number to: Translink SmartPass Office, Floor 1, 22 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7LX
If a card is faulty or damaged and the ticket machine is unable to read the information stored on the card the appropriate full fare will be charged. The card should be returned to the address above. A refund will be issued for the unused travel. The initial cost of the dayLink card will be refunded for electronically faulty cards (without damage) only. A 20% charge (maximum charge £5.00) will be applied in the case of damaged cards. No charge will be applied for faulty cards. The card holder will be required to purchase a new card.
If a dayLink card is lost or stolen the card holder should phone Translink on 028 9075 9129 during office hours to cancel or ‘hotlist’ the card by reporting the dayLink card number printed on the reverse of the card and on any ticket receipts issued. Once a ‘hotlisting’ period of 2 working days is complete a refund will be issued for the unused travel at the dayLink card price. A charge of 20% of the value remaining on the card (capped at £5) will be deducted. The initial cost of the dayLink card will not be refunded.
Refund claims less than £1.50 will not be accepted. Cash refunds are not available.
Refunds on dayLink cards presented for refund after the expiry date will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the company.
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