Minor Bridge Works

Translink is committed to delivering high quality sustainable public transport that is vital for the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of Northern Ireland.

As an essential public service, we are committed to providing greener, healthier and more active travel options.

In order to deliver this we continually work to maintain and upgrade our rail infrastructure to ensure that a first-rate service is provided to all customers.

Translink’s Minor Bridge Works project assesses and improves the structural integrity of the bridges and culverts along its network, this is to ensure high safety standards are maintained.

Why is This Essential Works Needed?

The work will be undertaken to maintain the high safety standards and operational performance for Translink customers. It is part of a wider Translink investment package in Northern Ireland’s railway services. Ongoing inspections of the railway line and the culvert have identified important works that are required to allow Translink to maintain a high standard of service provided for all our customers.  

Knockmore Culvert

At Knockmore, in Lisburn, we are currently conducting planned railway maintenance works to strengthen a culvert under the railway line. Our contractor FP McCann will commence preparatory groundworks for this project on land at the rear of Mornington Avenue, Lisburn in October.

The railway between Lisburn and Moira is a key strategic corridor for local and cross-border travel. It is vital we take these steps to invest in the line to deliver fit for purpose infrastructure well into the future. Maintaining and upgrading the railway infrastructure along this line is fundamental for the smooth functioning of rail services and to enable Translink to provide passengers with the essential service that they have come to expect.

Timeline of Works

October - November 2022 Work will commence in the area adjacent to the track, to the rear of Mornington Avenue, Knockmore to prepare the area near the site so that Translink personnel and machinery can safely undertake works at the culvert. This will begin on the 31st October 2022. 

December 2022 - January 2023 Once the preparatory work is complete, FP McCann will commence upgrade works at the culvert. This will involve reinforcing the culvert with concrete. We will issue advanced notice of this work to local residents.

Saltmines - Culvert Works

At Saltmines, outside Carrickfergus, we are currently conducting planned railway maintenance works to upgrade a culvert under the railway line. Our contractor FP McCann will undertake  this project in December 2022 and January 2023. The railway between Belfast and Larne is a key strategic corridor for local and commuter travel.

It is vital we take these steps to invest in the line to deliver fit for purpose infrastructure well into the future. Maintaining and upgrading the railway infrastructure along this line is fundamental for the safeguarding of future rail services and to enable Translink to provide passengers with the essential service that they have come to expect. 

Timeline of Works

December 2022 – January 2023 Work will commence in the area adjacent to the track to prepare the area near the site so that Translink personnel and machinery can safely undertake works at the culvert. This will begin on the week commencing Monday 12th December 2022.

Once the preparatory work is complete, FP McCann will undertake the upgrade works at the culvert with a blockade required on Sunday 8th January 2023. 

How Will This Affect You?

The preparatory stages of the project will have no immediate impact on the service Translink provide to our rail users. To enable access to the culvert some groundworks will be undertaken during normal working hours and we will endeavour to minimise impacts such as noise on local residents. Translink will keep local residents updated in advance of any work outside of normal working hours and work closely with our contractors to complete the works as quickly as possible to ensure impact is kept to a minimum.  

Working With the Community

We have already started to engage with the local community and elected representatives to explain how the works will be carried out and what to expect. This will continue throughout the duration of the project. We will also be in direct contact with those living in close proximity as the project progresses to keep them fully updated. If you do have any issues with how the work is being carried contact us by phone on 028 9068 9096 or via email at translink@aikenpr.com.   

Next Steps

This work is part of a series of planned improvements to the railways network in Northern Ireland. As the projects progresses, we will keep residents updated.