Planning for a future without fossil fuels
Translink is already planning for the day we stop buying fossil fuels. We have purchased 100% renewable electricity since 2020. Over 100 of our fleet of 1,400 buses are already zero-emissions and we have over 100 more on order. In 2023 Foyle will become the first city in the UK or Ireland to have a zero-emission public transport service. Our support fleet is already substantially electrically driven, and we continue to plan for delivery of a higher capacity but zero-emission railway during the 2030s.
Translink’s project teams are currently embedding an understanding and evaluation of the carbon impacts within our infrastructure and engineering works. Many projects are re-using materials on site, on other Translink projects, or in partnership with local communities, schools, or wider environmental programmes.
Our infrastructure and land provide a huge opportunity to help reach our targets, by offsetting residual emissions where we don’t yet have the technology to do so, through planting trees and carbon sequestration. Our land may also provide opportunities for renewable energy generation.