Translink Spirit In Action


A range of safety projects and initiatives to maintain high safety standards.

UN Sustainability Development Goals - Good Health and Well Being - Decent work and economic growth - industry, innovation and infrastructure

Key Highlights

safety tours
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new start SH&E inductions
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positive response to safety and wellbeing
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SMS assurance
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Carrick Connect

Translink has been supporting Carrick Connect - who support local young people in East Antrim - over recent years by offering support through a range of local initiatives.

Defibrillator Programme

134 defibrillators were installed at over 80 Translink locations, including most bus and train stations as part of a scheme funded by the Department for Infrastructure.

Anti Bullying Week

Translink continued its long-running support of Anti-Bullying Week, a positive initiative which raises awareness of important issues affecting young people across Northern Ireland through a series of events, including the popular school’s art competition.

Bus Safety Visits

A safety and familiarisation event took place on the 9th of November at Omagh Bus station for Southwest College students who wished to experience Translink and learn about our services.

Driving Tip of the Month

Safety is our first priority, and also our biggest responsibility, collectively and as individuals. This is perhaps no more evident than on the road.

Other Safety News

Bus Station Safety Works
Translink has completed a safety upgrade programme across more than 20 bus stations to enhance passenger and staff safety with improved lighting, safety signage, resurfacing and installation of protective bollards
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Engineering Safety Improvements Program  
This eSIP Program was developed to encourage better reporting of accidents, incidents and near misses. It has also made resources available to call at the touch of a button, while using digital notice boards. Part of the program put an emphasis on Slips Trips and Falls initiatives.  
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IOSH Managing Safety Training 
Training has been carried out for employees to learn about the importance of health and safety in the workplace, identify workplace hazards and risks, assess their impact and how to manage them, and how to evaluate and respond to an incident. These support a strong internal safety culture with positive feedback from employees. Further training is planned to take place in 2023
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Management Safety Tours 
Safety Tours are a means by which Translink Board members, Senior Leadership team, Senior Management Team and Heads of Divisions demonstrate their commitment to SH&E through visible leadership and monitoring the status and effectiveness of Translink SH&E Management Systems helping improve safety performance and culture.  A program of 13 Safety Tours have been carried out by the senior management team in the last financial year.
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Safety Assurance Programme 
The previous financial year has seen the introduction of a comprehensive programme of detailed safety audits. In total, 30 audits were carried out in the financial year covering all the main bus and rail engineering sites. The audits have demonstrated a high level of compliance with current safety management systems as well as highlighting areas for further improvement.
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Safety Conference - April 2022  
The annual SH&E Conference was successfully delivered online, bringing together managers and safety reps to focus on all aspects of safety across the business. The conference reflected on safety improvements that have been made over the last year and renewed our commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring safety remains our number one priority. 
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Safety in Community
Recently Larne Depot welcomed students from Access Employment Ltd to learn about safety, purchasing tickets and independent travel.  Translink are delighted to have been accredited with a Bronze award from AEL at their Inclusive Employer Awards for recognition of the work carried out with young people with disabilities in the community. 
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Safety Risk Register
The Safety Risk Register shows the identified safety risks across the business alongside how we are managing each risk. We are continually developing and refining the system to capture information as events happen to ensure the top risks are identified at a given point in time to help in the preparation of action plans for the relevant Divisions.
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Translink Safety during the Pandemic 
Continual efforts were made, and support provided to keep both employees, passengers and those effected by what we do safe as we continue to provide vital services to the people of NI during a very challenging time​. Our measures were recognised as being exemplar and other organisations looked to us for advice and guidance​. Covid-19 Risk Assessments are still under review and public health measures in place to reduce transmission.
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Safety Campaigns

We continue to deliver public safety campaigns with tailored messaging to suit key travel periods. During the summer, our campaign helped to raise awareness on the serious safety implications of anti-social behaviour such as track trespassing. We continue to work with community groups and youth organisations to educate and encourage safe behaviour on and around public transport
Don’t Walk By Campaign 

Our commitment to ‘Don’t Walk By’ continues to reinforce a safety culture that encourages staff to look out for each other. ‘Don’t Walk By’ and to speak up if something appears unsafe or damaging to health or the environment. Posters have been launched across the business to raise Observations.

They have been deployed at bus stations, rail stations, engineering workshops and across infrastructure sites to encourage positive behaviours and reporting of safety concerns.  This also included the introduction of ‘Good Catch’ forms to capture positive and at-risk safety observations. 

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New Trains 3 Safety Campaign

A ‘New Trains 3’ testing programme was successfully completed in line with the roll out of new carriages to create 7 longer, walk through trains providing enhanced capacity across the rail network.

A total of 21 new carriages were combined with 7 refurbished Class 4000 trains, offering around 1600 more seats on our train network. The safety information campaign was designed to generate awareness and remind everyone within the wider community to be extra vigilant around the railway as the intensive period of testing and commissioning involved both day and night-time testing across the network at speeds of up to 90mph.  

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FOCUS Safety Campaign
Our commitment to getting everyone ‘Safe Home Every Day’ continues to reinforce a safety culture that encourages staff to Focus. Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility, and we must Focus on safety, focus on managing distractions and focus on ensuring everyone goes Safe Home Every Day. 
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Plant Safety Campaign  
Within Translink’s Infrastructure and Projects division a Plant Safety Campaign was launched​ to raise awareness to ensure that everyone goes Safe Home Every Day. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about staying safe when working around machinery such as keeping alert, being visible and staying out of danger areas.  
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Glider Positive Youth Engagement

The Glider team have been working to create a positive relationship with young people along the Glider route by delivering presentations along with the PSNI and the youth leaders.

Level Crossings Safety

Our Network Assurance and Safety staff have been working with key groups throughout the year, highlighting the importance of using level crossings safely on agricultural land and public roads.

Safety, Health and Environmental Management System

We are committed to ensuring everyone gets home safe and healthy everyday including employees, contractors, customers, the wider public - in fact everyone affected by what we do.

Safety, Health and Environmental Policy

Our SH&E Policy Statement was reviewed and signed by the Group Chief Executive. The SH&E Policy acts as a focal point for our SH&E Management System.

School Bus Safety

This year Translink marked 20 years of our dedicated Safety Bus education programme visiting schools across Northern Ireland.

Third Party Works Awareness

An awareness video was launched to educate employees, contractors and members of the public on the critical safety topics in relation to third party works around the railway providing awareness and information to stay safe when undertaking work or using equipment over, under or beside the railway network.
Translink Spirit in Action
Our mission is to provide a safer, more sustainable, efficient business, enhancing our local economy and enriching the local communities we serve.